
Las Puertas de la Percepcion

Si las puertas de la percepción se abrieran
todo aparecería al ser humano tal y como es: infinito.
Dado que el hombre se ha limitado a sí mismo, divisando
las cosas a través de las estrechas rendijas de su propia caverna.

La boda del cielo y el infierno - William Blake


Ataques contra usuarios de redes P2P

A continuacion, una copia del e-mail que le enviaron a alguien de la lista:

From: Abuse - Copyright [mailto:copyright-abuse@zen.co.uk]
Sent: 06 April 2005 12:47

Subject: FW: Unauthorized Use of Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.
Property Notice ID: 8-18231 [432085:559603]

Dear X

We have received a Take Down notice from an organisation or individual which
states they are the rights holder, or represent the rights holder, for the
following material:

File Name: [V.i.P.e.R.] Hitch - TC.Meteor.avi

They have informed us that a host on your network is being used for the
distribution of the material named above without authorisation. The
information below shows the host IP address and method by which the material
is apparently being distributed:

Protocol: BitTorrent
IP Address: xx.xx.xxx.xx

The associated Zen Username is: zen41512@zen

We hereby request that should the material named above exist on one, or
more, of your hosts that you prevent the distribution of this material
within 72 hours of the time at which this notice was served. This will avoid
further action by Zen.

Should a second Take Down notice concerning the above named material be
received following the 72 hour notice period action will be taken to suspend
your Internet Service with Zen until we receive confirmation from you that
the material will be removed.

If you are authorised to distribute the material then please complete the
attached Counter Notice with all details relating to your rights to
distribute the named material and return it by fax to:

For Attention of: Zen Abuse Department
Fax: 0845 058 9005

This will be forwarded to the complainant so they may use this to confirm
your rights to this material. Submission of this Counter Notice will avoid
suspension of your account however, you should be aware that if the
complainant later determines you do not have distribution rights you may be
liable to legal action by the complainant.

Zen Technical Support - Abuse Department
Zen Internet Ltd.
T: 0845 058 9009
E: abuse@zen.co.uk
W: http://www.zensecurity.co.uk

Best regards,
Technical Support Services Specialist.
Scott Harper
Zen Internet Ltd
E-mail: support@zen.co.uk
Tel: 0845 058 9009
Fax: 0845 058 9005
Web: www.zen.co.uk

>-----Original Message-----
>From: sony-pictures-no-reply@copyright-compliance.com
>Received: 26/03/2005 17:40
>To: abuse@zen.co.uk
>Subject: FW: Unauthorized Use of Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.
>Notice ID: 8-18231
>Hash: SHA1
>Re: Unauthorized Use of Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Property Notice
>ID: 8-18231 Notice Date: 26 Mar 2005 01:29:11 GMT
>Dear Sir or Madam:
>"Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.", Inc. and its affiliated companies are
>the exclusive owners of copyrights in motion pictures and television,
>including the property listed below.
>It has come to our attention that Zen Internet Ltd is the service provider
>for the IP address listed below, from which unauthorized copying and
>distribution (downloading, uploading, file serving, file "swapping" or
>other similar activities) of Columbia Pictures Industies, Inc.'s
>(property)(s) listed below is taking place. We believe that the Internet
>access of the user engaging in this infringement is provided by Zen
>Internet Ltd or a downstream service provider who purchases this
>connectivity from Zen Internet Ltd.
>This unauthorized copying and distribution constitutes copyright
>infringement under Section 106 of the U.S. Copyright Act . Depending upon
>the type of service Zen Internet Ltd is providing to this IP address, it
>may have legal and/or equitable liability if it does not expeditiously
>remove or disable access to the (property)(s) listed below, or if it fails
>to implement a policy that provides for termination of subscribers who are
>repeat infringers (see, 17 U.S.C. §512).
>Despite the above, Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. believes that the
>entire Internet community benefits when these matters are resolved
>cooperatively. We urge you to take immediate action to stop this infringing
>activity and inform us of the results of your actions. We appreciate your
>efforts toward this common goal.
>The undersigned has a good faith belief that use of the (property)(s) in
>the manner described herein is not authorized by Columbia Pictures
>Industries, Inc., its agent or the law. The information contained in this
>notification is accurate. Under penalty of perjury, the undersigned is
>authorized to act on behalf of Columbia Pictures Industies, Inc. with
>respect to this matter.
>Please be advised that this letter is not and is not intended to be a
>complete statement of the facts or law as they may pertain to this matter
>or of Columbia Pictures Industies, Inc.'s positions, rights or remedies,
>legal or equitable, all of which are specifically reserved.
>Very truly yours,
>Sarah Bergman
>Compliance Manager
>BayTSP, Inc.
>PO Box 1314
>Los Gatos, CA 95031


Death (1) - Pope (0)

[ Music Timestamp | Psychic TV - Jigsaw ]

"Un moderno cruzado en lucha contra los regímenes comunistas"

"Fue su objetivo político durante los años 80. Con un viaje a Varsovia en 1979 aceleró la debacle del gobierno polaco. Tras la caída del Muro, criticó al "capitalismo salvaje" y se opuso a la guerra en Irak."

Jajajajajajajaja, leer esto un domingo a la maniana es TAN gracioso. Me voy preparando para unas 2 a 4 semanas de huevadas papales en los newspapers mundiales. En 'Slashdot' todavia no fue infectado por la noticia... tendra el cuerpo del papa un implante con un GPS para seguirlo en su viaje al cuielo y, quizas, con la ubiacion exacta de este, organizar unos viajes turisticos al supuesto paraiso. Ahhhh... planeta tierra, anio 2005.